Jul 29, 2020
Is life really based on the decisions we make? Are our lives already mapped out? Am I really in control of my destiny? If you've ever asked any of these questions you'll definitely want to tune in to this one.
Connect with the Podcast Crew
TèKà: Facebook @therealteka, Instagram & Twitter @the_real_teka
Jul 22, 2020
Is life really based on the decisions we make? Are our lives already mapped out? Am I really in control of my destiny? If you've ever asked any of these questions you'll definitely want to tune in to this one.
Connect with the Podcast Crew
TèKà: Facebook @therealteka, Instagram & Twitter @the_real_teka
Jul 15, 2020
Part 2 of COVID-19 and its immediate effects on the family, the workplace, the educational system and more.
Connect with the Podcast Crew
TèKà: Facebook @therealteka, Instagram & Twitter @the_real_teka
"O": Instagram @odw1980
Cha'leece: Facebook @chaleece.sharpe, Instagram @sharpe_fitt
Jul 9, 2020
COVID-19 and its immediate effects on the family, the workplace, the educational system and more.
Connect with the Podcast Crew
TèKà: Facebook @therealteka, Instagram & Twitter @the_real_teka
"O": Instagram @odw1980
Cha'leece: Facebook @chaleece.sharpe, Instagram @sharpe_fitt
Jul 6, 2020
3-5 Minute Inspiration
When you stop caring about how many "Likes", "Shares", reposts and Re-Tweets you're getting you'll start caring about the things that actually matter.
Think It. Speak It. Achieve It.
Website: www.frameofmindink.com