Jun 21, 2023
Join us for Part 2 as we continue dropping some more parental knowledge for married couples, single parents and guardians as they navigate through their journey of parenthood and parenting. Let's Talk!
Need Parenting Help? Contact Tsombawi Knibye, Jr. at tsombawi.com or by email at tknibye@tsombawi.com
Connect with the Podcast Crew
Tsombawi "TèKà" Knibye, Jr.: Facebook @tknibyejr Twitter @tknibyejr, Instagram @tknibyejr
Omar "O" Williams: Instagram @odw1980
Denise "D-Nice" Obi: Facebook @denise.obi Instagram @iamdniceeeee
Website: frameofmindink.com
Email: fofmpodcast@frameofmindink.com
Phone: (302) 689-3499